Monday, March 15, 2010

Mi Mundo Privato

In this painting by Nuno de Campos, a lot of different actions are taking place. At first glance I see horror because the citizens are running away as the large central figure of a Pinocchio is standing stern. The dark ominous clouds and three demons circling the people makes me believe that this in fact is a painting of terror. In addition, top center all the birds seem like they are in distress and flying away from the scene. The location of this painting resembles Rome with the basilica and columns, at the same time however I see people riding around horses which makes me think that this is a Spanish country. The buildings and animals are very detailed which makes it very easy to get distracted by all the different scenes taking place.
My feelings after looking at Campo's painting are intriguing yet a mild sense of terror at the same time. I am very curious as to what Campo's was trying to reveal with this painting and the story that was trying to be told. The black and white shading makes the important details in this composition stand out forcing the viewer to stare at darker central objects like the Pinocchio and demons lurking around. I would recommend this painting to anyone curious about unique art with many different objects to focus on.

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