Jeff Coons is an American artist known for his giant reproductions of objects. They are usually stainless steel with mirror surfaces and brightly colored. His works have stirred criticism throughout his career. Critics have sharply divided their views of Koons and his artwork. Is it pioneering or is it a tasteless copy of someone else's artwork. Either way, there's been no hesitation for lawsuit and Koons has seen himself sued on numerous occasions. Some of those cases he has won and on others he has served defeat.
Despite his legal hindrances, Koons is arguably an entrepreneur to a new style of art. His replications of prior artwork and newly formed sculptures have influenced artists incredibly. One, being such, the likes of Damien Hirst. Koons Neo-pop art style has produced significant hype and profit. His pieces have sold for millions of dollars and are on display all over the world. He has an undoubted taste for elegance and structure.
So what do you believe? Is it Koons the "Sensation" or Koons the "Artifical Artisit." It's a great debate and art critics from all over have their opinions. However, you must keep one thing in mind concerning his artwork, they are still selling for millions of dollars.
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