Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Starry Night

Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night is the title of the painting below. During Van Gogh's life he only sold one painting but after his death the art he created exploded into the market. Starry Night is one of his most recognized and replicated paintings of the modern era. The reason for this place being so popular is the fact that there is a moon with swirling clouds which most people can relate to. The exaggerated features make the sky very pronounced and unique to look at. Below the sky is a little village lit up in the background. This aspect brings the painting together and gives it a peaceful effect. Van Gogh gives the viewpoint as if you are on top of a hill looking down into the village and up at the tranquil skyline. Overall people still flock to these paintings on a daily basis to come up with their own perspectives and thoughts. Nevertheless Starry Night can be called one of if not the best painting of Van Gogh's lifetime.

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